Three Cups of Tea is the most inspiring book I have ever read.

It is the true story following Greg Mortenson, a mountaineer who attempts to climb K2. On his way down, he stumbles into a tiny village in Pakistan and vows to return one day to build a school for the children there. He is successful, and is urged by others to continue building schools for underprivileged children across Pakistan. His story is remarkable, and the amount of impact he has managed to bring as one man with audacious goals is astounding.

I felt a personal connection when he told of his experiences in Peshawar. Samasource works with a group of women in Peshawar who have collectively formed the Women’s Digital league, and they are now earning income through the internet. They were previously unable to do meaningful work outside of the home for cultural reasons, but now say that they are earning as much as the men, if not more. I dare not compare my work to Mortenson’s, but it felt great to learn that our goals are very similar.

This book reaffirmed my desire to do good, and I encourage you to find a copy.